Contact Information
Kathy Schultz, Children & Family Ministry Director
Facebook: Park UMC Children & Family

Our mission in Children’s Ministry is to partner with parents in a way so that every child understands that they are made in the image of God to love God with all their heart, soul, and strength. We want parents to know that when they connect with a wider community, they can have a greater impact in the life of their child then they might have alone.
Our Sunday morning experience uses the Orange Strategy and Curriculum to engage children with true stories from the Bible. Our prayer is to provide a positive influence on children’s faith journeys and to help lead them on a path of discipleship. At Park UMC, we want every child to trust in Jesus in a way that transforms how they love God, themselves, and the world around them. We believe that each child has a vast treasure of potential. When they graduate from high school, we want them to mobilize their potential to positively impact the world.
Watch for more information
about the
Orange Strategy

First Look Preschool Curriculum
* 9:15 Large Group Worship in the Orange Room
* 9:30 Small Group Activities in the Club House
* 10:15 Dismissal from the Club House
252 Kids Elementary & Preteen Curriculum
* 9:15 Praise & Worship in the Orange Room
* 9:30 Large Group Experience
* 9:45 Small Group Experiences (K-2nd, 3rd-5th)
9:00—10:15 Café Area outside the Orange Room
Grab a cup and relax with other parents while your child attends our Faith Development programs. Catch up with friends or make new ones.

* Weekly email with link to an online Bible story video.
* Monthly packets with a parent guide for the weekly video lesson as well as children’s activities.
* Weekly email with a link to the online Praise & Worship and Bible story video
* Monthly packets with a parent guide for the weekly video lesson along with devotions and activities for the kids.

Weekly Parent Cue ~ handout with age appropriate ideas to help you connect with your child at opportune times throughout the day.
Parent Cue App ~ provides what you need to have consistent faith conversations with weekly Bible story videos, a monthly memory verse, and daily devotions designed for every phase from birth to 18. Available on the App Store or Google Play.
Books, Flyers & Handouts ~ located in the Café Area outside the Orange Room. Find information on parenting, faith development, prayer, parent conversation guides, and more.
https://theparentcue.org/ ~ online parenting resources—articles, podcast, faith & character activities and devotions, additional resources to help you be the parent you want to be.